Roman Empire Historical Facts
Ovid’s Eternal Verses: The Roman Poet of Love, Myth, and Exile
In the vast literary landscape of ancient Rome, Ovid stands as a master of mythological storytelling, love poetry, and exile laments.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
In the vast literary landscape of ancient Rome, Ovid stands as a master of mythological storytelling, love poetry, and exile laments.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Plutarch, the Greek historian, biographer, and philosopher, wrote in an era when Rome dominated the Mediterranean world, yet his works found an eager audience among the very people who had conquered his homeland.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The myth of Romulus and Remus is central to Rome's legendary origins and is rich with symbolism, political significance, and historical interpretations.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The concept of Pax Romana—the Roman Peace—represents a significant period of stability and order across the Roman Empire, inaugurated during the reign of Augustus.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
How did the Romans see Alexander the Great? Were they influenced? What did they think about his personality? His military accomplishments? His life?
Roman Empire Historical Facts
How was apotheosis used as a religious practice, but also as a political tool in ancient Rome? How was it used to solidify dynastic legitimacy and reinforce imperial ideology?
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Cato the Elder is a fascinating figure in Roman history, embodying the traditional Roman virtues of discipline, frugality, and loyalty to the Republic.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
The idea that exercise and physical activity are beneficial is not a recent discovery; it has been recognized and practiced for thousands of years.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Purple, in the context of the Roman Empire, was not merely a color; it was a symbol of power, nobility, and divine sanction.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
Laudatio Turiae ("In praise of Turia") is a tombstone engraved with a carved epitaph that is a husband's eulogy of his wife.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The Vestal Virgins were guarding Rome’s sacred flame keeping the state safe.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The plebeians made up the majority of the population in he Roman Republic. They were the common working class of the time.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The story of the abduction of the Sabine women is part of the Roman Mythology, which especially during the Renaissance was a loved topic of expression.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
A legend that everybody knows about Remus and Romulus, the founders of Rome.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The religious landscape of ancient Rome was as vast and complex as the empire itself.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The eagle, known as 'Aquila' in Latin, stands as one of the most iconic and long-lasting emblems of Rome's heritage.