Untold Tales of Julius Caesar; His Secrets and Passions
Julius Caesar is an enormous figure of history and a man hated by many — but admired by everyone.

There is no doubt amongst historians that Julius Caesar was an astute politician who rose to become the sole ruler of the Roman Republic, which expanded significantly through his own military achievements.
As a military strategist, he never lost a campaign and was also recognized as a skilled orator and historian. Though he began his career burdened by significant debt due to extravagant spending, by the time of his death, he had accumulated a personal fortune estimated to be one-seventh of the entire Roman treasury.
His influence was immense, his power undisputed, his legacy unsurpassed — and his sexual behavior? Widely regarded as scandalous for the time.
The Man, the Name, the Story
Julius Caesar was born on the third day before the Ides of Quinctilis, during the consulship of Caius Marius and Lucius Valerius Flaccus, marking the 654th year since the founding of Rome. Quinctilis, the fifth month of the Roman calendar year which began in March (named in favour of the God of War, Mars), was later renamed July in honor of Caesar during his dictatorship.
In Roman society, names were significant indicators of social status. Caesar had the full tria nomina, or "three names," customary for Roman citizens. The first name (praenomen) identified an individual within a family and was often reused across generations.
An inscription provides detailed information about the remarkable career of Gaius Appuleius Diocles. The text is notable not only for highlighting the length and success of Diocles’ career—spanning 24 years with 4,257 races and 1,462 victories—but also for the extensive insights it offers into the life of a charioteer and the various types of races held. When analyzed alongside other documents, this inscription is crucial for deepening our understanding of the sport of chariot racing.
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