Roman Empire Historical Facts
Whispers on the Walls: Graffiti as a Voice of Ancient Rome
For tens of thousands of years, people have been leaving their marks on the walls. How was street art during the Empire perceived?
Roman Empire Historical Facts
For tens of thousands of years, people have been leaving their marks on the walls. How was street art during the Empire perceived?
Roman Empire Anecdotes
How did the Romans see Alexander the Great? Were they influenced? What did they think about his personality? His military accomplishments? His life?
Roman Empire Historical Facts
How was apotheosis used as a religious practice, but also as a political tool in ancient Rome? How was it used to solidify dynastic legitimacy and reinforce imperial ideology?
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The Romans employed various methods to measure time, integrating natural observations with technological innovations.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
Bread was an essential part of the Roman diet, especially for the lower classes. It wasn’t just a staple but also reflected social status and culture, varying in type and quality depending on the person’s wealth and occupation.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
Sallust, one of Rome’s earliest and most profound historians, offers an intense and critical perspective on the decline of the Roman Republic.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The Roman Empire left a notable architectural and cultural footprint in the East, where Roman monuments, cities, and even temples still stand as remnants of its reach.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
How were the Republic and the Empire treating freedom of speech? How did the emperors censor perceived threats?
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Were naumachiae actually held in the Colosseum? How did the Romans flood the arena to stage a naval battle?
Roman Empire Anecdotes
A luxurious villa in Capri is said to be the place where an emperor spent the last ten years of his reign, involved in sexual activities that would satisfy his disturbed imagination
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Caesarion was born in 47 BCE, and his mother Cleopatra claimed that he was Julius Caesar's son.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Commodus was largely seen as capricious, self-indulgent, and more interested in personal pleasures than in governing the empire.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106–43 BCE) was widely regarded as one of Rome's greatest public speakers and prose stylists. His contributions span politics, law, philosophy, and literature, making him a key figure in Roman intellectual history.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
Pompey the Great, or Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, was one of the most prominent Roman military and political leaders during the late Roman Republic.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
The Bacchanalia, also known as Bacchanal or Carnival, were Roman festivals honoring Bacchus, inspired by elements of the Greek Dionysia.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The relationship between Romans and Greeks was complex, shaped by admiration, imitation, and a degree of tension.