Roman Empire Historical Facts
What are The Ides of March and Why are they Important?
The day that Julius Caesar was assassinated has left its mark on history's face.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The day that Julius Caesar was assassinated has left its mark on history's face.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Plutarch, the Greek historian, biographer, and philosopher, wrote in an era when Rome dominated the Mediterranean world, yet his works found an eager audience among the very people who had conquered his homeland.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
Bread was an essential part of the Roman diet, especially for the lower classes. It wasn’t just a staple but also reflected social status and culture, varying in type and quality depending on the person’s wealth and occupation.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
Sallust, one of Rome’s earliest and most profound historians, offers an intense and critical perspective on the decline of the Roman Republic.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The Roman Empire left a notable architectural and cultural footprint in the East, where Roman monuments, cities, and even temples still stand as remnants of its reach.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The Gemonian Stairs became synonymous to death and humiliation for the Roman Empire's enemies and criminals.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106–43 BCE) was widely regarded as one of Rome's greatest public speakers and prose stylists. His contributions span politics, law, philosophy, and literature, making him a key figure in Roman intellectual history.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Augustus, the first emperor of Rome, was the most successful ruler of the Roman Empire.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
The testudo was a type of shield wall formation, commonly used by the Roman legions during battles.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
Laudatio Turiae ("In praise of Turia") is a tombstone engraved with a carved epitaph that is a husband's eulogy of his wife.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Suetonius' influence extends beyond his own time. His biographical style set a precedent for later historians and biographers.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
Cleopatra Selene II was the daughter of the famous Cleopatra VII, the last Pharaoh of Egypt, and the Roman general Mark Antony.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Gambling was a prevalent activity in Ancient Rome, practiced by people of all social classes despite being officially frowned upon and subject to legal restrictions.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The consul was one of the highest elected political offices in the Roman Republic and later the Roman Empire.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The history of the Roman Empire is replete with assassination attempts, some of which failed and left intriguing tales of survival and intrigue.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Women of ancient Rome that managed to distinguish themselves from the rest. Women of power and fame.