Roman Empire Historical Facts
Were Christians Really Fed to the Lions in Ancient Rome?
What is the truth behind the phrase: “Christians to the lions?”
Roman Empire Historical Facts
What is the truth behind the phrase: “Christians to the lions?”
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Imagine 50,000 Romans seated in the blazing summer sun, cheering gladiators while the midday heat bears down on the mighty Colosseum. Yet, their faces are shaded, cooled by a system so advanced that even modern engineers marvel at its ingenuity. How did the Romans achieve this?
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Were naumachiae actually held in the Colosseum? How did the Romans flood the arena to stage a naval battle?
Roman Empire Anecdotes
The insulae of the Roman Empire are a fascinating reflection of Roman architectural innovation and urban planning.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Throughout the Roman Empire's history, numerous emperors met their end not in battle or from natural causes but by the hands of assassins.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The dark side of Roman history. 5 of the worst emperors that left their mark on history with scandals, cruelty and paranoia.