Roman Empire Historical Facts
Were Christians Really Fed to the Lions in Ancient Rome?
What is the truth behind the phrase: “Christians to the lions?”
Roman Empire Historical Facts
What is the truth behind the phrase: “Christians to the lions?”
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Was Saturnalia of the ancient Romans what Christmas is for us today? The two have a lot in common. How was Saturnalia celebrated?
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Seneca the Younger, a towering figure of the Roman intellectual world, lived a life filled with paradoxes.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
How did the Romans see Alexander the Great? Were they influenced? What did they think about his personality? His military accomplishments? His life?
Roman Empire Anecdotes
Sallust, one of Rome’s earliest and most profound historians, offers an intense and critical perspective on the decline of the Roman Republic.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
How were the Republic and the Empire treating freedom of speech? How did the emperors censor perceived threats?
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Agrippina the Younger, born in 15 AD, was a prominent and controversial figure in Roman history.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106–43 BCE) was widely regarded as one of Rome's greatest public speakers and prose stylists. His contributions span politics, law, philosophy, and literature, making him a key figure in Roman intellectual history.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
The idea that exercise and physical activity are beneficial is not a recent discovery; it has been recognized and practiced for thousands of years.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
What made garum, a type of fermented fish sauce, so extremely popular across the Roman Empire?
Roman Empire Anecdotes
How have “Meditations” or better yet” To himself”, the thoughts of Marcus Aurelius survived through the centuries?
Roman Empire Anecdotes
Ancient Rome is often represented as a den of luxury and pleasures, but is this true?
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Gambling was a prevalent activity in Ancient Rome, practiced by people of all social classes despite being officially frowned upon and subject to legal restrictions.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The history of the Roman Empire is replete with assassination attempts, some of which failed and left intriguing tales of survival and intrigue.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
How did ancient civilizations like the Romans and Greeks understand The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis?
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Shaving in Ancient Rome, was a painful and time-consuming process, but Romans were obsessed with hair removal for the whole body.