Roman Empire Historical Facts
Whispers on the Walls: Graffiti as a Voice of Ancient Rome
For tens of thousands of years, people have been leaving their marks on the walls. How was street art during the Empire perceived?
Roman Empire Historical Facts
For tens of thousands of years, people have been leaving their marks on the walls. How was street art during the Empire perceived?
Roman Empire Anecdotes
Trajan's Bridge, also called Bridge of Apollodorus over the Danube, was a Roman segmental arch bridge, the first bridge to be built over the lower Danube and considered one of the greatest achievements in Roman architecture.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
The testudo was a type of shield wall formation, commonly used by the Roman legions during battles.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The markets of Trajan, a magnificent construction of the Roman times, was the equivalent of today's shopping complexes.