Roman Empire Anecdotes
The Empire of Diversity: Romans Beyond Rome
Beyond the marble walls of the Eternal City, the Roman Empire thrived on its ability to weave diverse cultures into a unified whole.
A prolific writer from the ancient Greek city of Chalkis, Christina loves Ancient Greek and Roman Empire's tales of gods and mortals. Currently finds inspiration from Ancient Roman monuments in Lisbon
Roman Empire Anecdotes
Beyond the marble walls of the Eternal City, the Roman Empire thrived on its ability to weave diverse cultures into a unified whole.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
What was like dining with the emperor? What is the famous black dinner of Domitian? What was the meaning behind the black decoration and the macabre settings?
Roman Empire Anecdotes
The story of how Scipio Africanus came to be a protagonist in numerous pieces of art, is the perfect how-to, in building a persona that lasts through the ages.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Built for acoustic delight, The Odeon of Herodes Atticus still offers moments of unforgettable experiences for the audiences that flood its premises to enjoy various spectacles in Athens.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Emperor Domitian, who ruled Rome from 81 to 96 CE, is one of the most polarizing figures of the Roman Empire. Dismissed by many ancient writers as a tyrant and remembered for his strained relationship with the Senate, Domitian’s legacy is one of complexity and contradiction.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Tribune was the title of various elected officials in Ancient Rome, but since the term is a bit convoluted and lost in time, the answer to the question is not a simple one.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Seneca the Younger, a towering figure of the Roman intellectual world, lived a life filled with paradoxes.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The final ruler during the tumultuous Year of the Four Emperors, Vespasian established the Flavian dynasty, which governed the Roman Empire for 27 years.
Roman Empire Anecdotes
How did the Romans see Alexander the Great? Were they influenced? What did they think about his personality? His military accomplishments? His life?
Roman Empire Historical Facts
How was apotheosis used as a religious practice, but also as a political tool in ancient Rome? How was it used to solidify dynastic legitimacy and reinforce imperial ideology?
Roman Empire Anecdotes
Martial was a Roman poet, the man behind the epigrams, who is remembered for his razor-sharp commentary
Roman Empire Historical Facts
In the records of Roman history, Marcus Opellius Macrinus stands as a unique, and often overlooked figure.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Trajan's Column is an iconic piece of Roman art and architecture, rich with historical, artistic, and cultural significance.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The Romans employed various methods to measure time, integrating natural observations with technological innovations.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
The concept of memento mori, Latin for "remember you must die," has been a significant theme throughout history, particularly in the Roman Empire. This idea served as a reminder of human mortality and the transient nature of life.
Roman Empire Historical Facts
Cato the Elder is a fascinating figure in Roman history, embodying the traditional Roman virtues of discipline, frugality, and loyalty to the Republic.