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Roman Empire Times is an independent publication launched in October 2023 by Sensei Minimal Lda, a private owned company registered in Lisbon, Portugal, under the VAT no. PT517489058. If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows Roman Empire Times to continue to exist. Thank you!

A view of the Tiber River, Copyright: Christina Athanasiou
A view of the Tiber River, Copyright: Christina Athanasiou

Who we are

We are Christina Athanasiou and George Liapis, the owners of the bespoke marketing agency Sensei Minimal, both fuelled with a strong passion for Ancient Roman history; welcome to our world, a haven dedicated to the grandeur and intrigue of the Roman Empire. We are the heart and soul behind this site, united by our unwavering fascination with all things Roman. Through countless journeys to Rome and beyond, we've immersed ourselves in the legacy of an empire that has shaped the course of history.

Our mission began as a hobby, but turned out to be much more than that; it's a lifelong journey of discovery. We delve deep into the annals of history, not just to recount what is already known but to unearth the secrets and mysteries that lie hidden beneath the surface. Our love for the Roman Empire is not confined to its historical achievements and monumental ruins; it extends to the vibrant stories of those who lived, fought, and triumphed in those ancient times.

We strive to deliver the most accurate, factual and academic quality content for the Roman Empire, in the best possible user experience. Our Editorial guidelines stand as a commitment to our cause, alongside our Corrections policy, Copyright notice, and Web Accessibility statement. Should you wish to join our team, we are more than glad to welcome you as a contributor.

A night view of Ancient Roman Ruins, Copyright: Christina Athanasiou
A Night View of Ancient Roman Ruins, Copyright: Christina Athanasiou

We share our findings and insights on this site, ranging from well-documented historical facts to the most intriguing anecdotes. We're constantly scouring for the latest research and news, ensuring that our content is as enriching as it is enlightening. But what truly sets our hearts ablaze is the art of storytelling. Inspired by real historical events, we craft "scripts" for short stories, breathing life into the facts with our imagination. These narratives, grounded in historical accuracy yet embellished with our creative touch, aim to transport you back in time, offering a glimpse into the daily lives, monumental decisions, and serendipitous moments of ancient Rome.

We invite you to join us on this journey, to explore the depths of Roman history through our eyes. By subscribing, you'll receive a treasure trove of stories and insights directly to your inbox, each one a testament to our dedication and passion for the Roman Empire. Our commitment to uncovering and sharing the marvels of Rome is unwavering, and we assure you, that there's no better place to satiate your curiosity and fuel your love for ancient Rome.

So, whether you're a fellow enthusiast, a curious learner, or someone in search of inspiration from the past, you've come to the right place. Together, let's keep the legacy of the Roman Empire alive, discovering and telling its stories, one article at a time. Welcome to our site, where history is not just remembered but relived and cherished.

A Night View of Ancient Roman Ruins, Copyright: Christina Athanasiou
A Night View of Ancient Roman Ruins, Copyright: Christina Athanasiou

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A Day View of the Colosseum, Copyright: Christina Athanasiou
A Day View of the Colosseum, Copyright: Christina Athanasiou